Welcome to MediaRich Visualizer for SharePoint
Equilibrium® MediaRich® Visualizer for Microsoft® SharePoint® v5 uses the same engine as the full MediaRIch ECM product. Both provide users with media asset visualization, metadata ingestion and control, and deep inspection features. MediaRich Visualizer gives you a taste of the on-demand power of MediaRich. Upgrading to the full ECM product enables expanded capabilities:
» Generated thumbnails and previews of almost any size
Visualizer is limited to thumbnails of a maximum 200 width and height ad previews of 400 width and height.
» Support for key Adobe file types, such as PhotoShop, Illustrator, and InDesign
» Exported image and video files to any format supported by MediaRich engine
Visualizer exports images to the original format and JPEG and video files to the original format and MP4.
» Full control of batch processes including all file formats supported by the MediaRich engine
Visualizer supports batch processing to Composite Logo, Save Image as JPEG, and Scale only and is limited to delivering to the BatchOut folder.
» Custom operations applied to images and videos upon export using the powerful MediaScript™, which provides automation of almost limitless output options
Visualizer supports Convert to Grayscale, Draw 3-pixel black border, and Flip Horizontally on still images and no operations on video.
To upgrade to the full version of MediaRich ECM for SharePoint, call Equilibrium at (415) 322-4343, or go to http://equilibrium.com/visualizer/ecmupgrade/.
MediaRich Visualizer for SharePoint Documentation
On-Line Documentation